This PMI-ACP Certification preparation training includes presentations, hands-on activities, sample questions, case studies, and group discussions.
Each session is 4 hours long. On the first day of training you will get access to the X-AM tool which is accessible during 12 months, as well as the digital copy of the PMI-ACP® Exam Prep book.
Following the training and prior to the exam date, the trainer is available to support you individually, via an online communication tool or by email, to clarify any open points for the exam preparation.
The content of the course is roughly split as follows:
- Performance-Based Activities: The students will perform hands-on activities based on assigned case studies.
- Sample Questions: The students will work on the sample questions. The structure of the questions is similar to the real PMI-ACP® exam questions.
- Case Studies: Real-life case studies will be covered during the course.
- Supplementary Information: Examples and other supplementary information will be presented to the students.
Contact us for more details or register here